Performing Advanced Configuration
You can configure the following management services:
You must reboot the Access Point if you change the HTTP Port or Telnet Port.
Secure Management
Secure Management allows the use of encrypted and authenticated communication protocols such as SNMPv3, and
Secure Socket Link (SSL), to manage the Access Point.
• Secure Management Status: Enables the further configuration of HTTPS Access, and SNMPv3. After enabling
Secure Management, you can choose to configure HTTPS (SSL) access on the Services tab, and configure
SNMPv3 passwords on the Passwords tab.
SNMP Settings
• SNMP Interface Bitmask: Configure the interface or interfaces (Ethernet, Wireless-Slot A, Wireless-Slot B, All
Interfaces) from which you will manage the AP via SNMP. Select Disabled to prevent a user from accessing the
AP via SNMP.
HTTP Access
• HTTP Interface Bitmap: Configure the interface or interfaces (Ethernet, Wireless-Slot A, Wireless-Slot B, All
Interfaces) from which you will manage the AP via the Web interface. For example, to allow Web configuration via
the Ethernet network only, set HTTP Interface Bitmask to Ethernet. Select Disabled to prevent a user from
accessing the AP from the Web interface.
• HTTP Port: Configure the HTTP port from which you will manage the AP via the Web interface. By default, the
HTTP port is 80. You must reboot the Access Point if you change the HTTP Port.
• HTTP Setup Wizard: The Setup Wizard appears automatically the first time you access the HTTP interface. If you
exited out of the Setup Wizard and want to relaunch it, enable this option, click OK, and then close your browser or
reboot the AP. The Setup Wizard will appear the next time you access the HTTP interface.
HTTPS Access
• HTTPS (Secure Web Status): The user can access the AP in a secure fashion using Secure Socket Layer (SSL)
over port 443. The AP comes pre-installed with all required SSL files: default certificate and private key installed.
Check this box to enable SSL on the AP.
• SSL Certificate Passphrase: After enabling SSL, the only configurable parameter is the SSL passphrase. The
default SSL passphrase is proxim.
The AP supports SSLv3 with a 128-bit encryption certificate maintained by the AP for secure communications
between the AP and the HTTP client. All communications are encrypted using the server and the client-side
If you decide to upload a new certificate and private key (using TFTP or HTTP File Transfer), you need to change
the SSL Certificate Passphrase for the new SSL files.
SSL requires Internet Explorer version 6, 128 bit encryption, Service Pack 1, and patch Q323308.
You need to reboot the AP after enabling or disabling SSL for the changes to take effect.
Accessing the AP through the HTTPS interface
• The user should use a SSL intelligent browser to access the AP through the HTTPS interface. After configuring
SSL, access the AP using https:// followed by the AP’s management IP address.