Q-Logic ISR6152 Network Router User Manual

B–Log Messages
B-8 ISR645610-00 B
42404 QLIS_InstantiateSession: Maximum number
(%d) of allowed hosts already logged in
App Error Failed to execute iSCSI Command PDU because its
CmdSN is out-of-range. Log message contains the
incorrect CmdSN, the valid CmdSN range, the first
byte of the CDB, and the data length.
42648 QLIS_HandleTeb: Driver Fatal Error App Error Event notification; iSCSI driver encountered a fatal
42649 QLIS_HandleTeb: Unload Driver App Error Event notification; an IOCTL request was received to
unload the iSCSI driver.
42654 QLIS_HandleTeb: iSNS Connection Failed App Error Event notification; attempt to connect to the iSCSI
name server (iSNS) failed.
43265 QLUT_AllocateTpbExtension: TPB allocation
App Error Failed to allocate memory for TPB extension.
43267 QLUT_AllocateTpbExtension: Alloc of DSD
failed for buffer len %d
App Error Failed to allocate data segment descriptor (DSD)
(buffer length %d).
43268 QLUT_AllocateTpbExtension: Data buffer
allocation failed (length %d)
App Error Failed to allocate data buffer (length %d).
44549 QLDM_HandleMigError: Migration Job %d
stopped for Src Lun %hd Dest Lun %hd Error
%x AdditionalErrorStatus %x at line %d
App Error An error occurred on an I/O that was issued for a
migration job. The message provides the job ID,
source, and destination LUN IDs, as well as the error.
53254 System Booting Up. App Info Router is booting up.
53357 QLBA_ProcessTpb: De-compression failed.
Disabling compression temporarily
App Info Decompression failed. Disabling compression tem-
Table B-1. iSR6152 Router Log Messages (Continued)
ID Log Message