5. To make a cutting line, select “CutContour” as the color for the paths that you would like to cut.
Transparency and effects such as Blur or Drop Shadows are not applied at all to cutting lines. The
cutting line may be printed. You can easily check which path the effects are applied to by going into
Illustrator 9.0, going to Window, and using Show Appearance to display the Appearance palette.
6. To make an object that will be printed using a spot color, just fill it using a Spot Color from the library.
You can change the color of the contour line or spot color by changing the Swatch Options. Remember,
the color mode should always be Spot Color.
7. From File, open Document Setup, then from the pop-up menu, select Transparency. Make sure the
Quality/Speed slider is at the center or at the second tick from the left. If it is at any other position, the
cutting line is printed.
8. In Illustrator 9.0, go to File and open Print. If it is set to Print&Contour or to Contour Only, be sure to
select the check box for "Ignore Overprinting in Composite Output."
9. Print the file as you normally would.
Printing and Cutting Limitations in Illustrator 9.0
If there are objects on the artboard to which Transparency or any effects such as Blur or Drop Shadows are
applied, the cutting line may be printed. When you are performing printing and cutting, you normally do not
use Transparency or effects such as Blur.
Workarounds for this problem and information about effects that are subject to limitations are described in
detail in the supplemental "Printing and Cutting Limitations and Workarounds in Illustrator 9.0" and "The
Transparency Feature of Illustrator 9.0.
FreeHand 8
1. Copy the file ‘ColorCAMM PC-12.bcf’ or, located in the ‘SpotColorLibray:ColorCAMM PC-12:FreeHand’
folder of the Installation CD to FreeHand 8:Colors folder.
2. Start FreeHand.
3. Create a new design file or open an existing file.
4. Execute Window>Panels>Color List and open the color List Palette.
5. Select ‘ColorCAMM PC-12’ from the ‘Options’ menu of color List Palette. All the Spot Colors and the Cut
Contour color will be listed in the Color Library window. Select all the colors that will be used. You can
select multiple colors pressing the Ctrl key.
6. Click OK. The Special Colors will be added to the Color List Palette.
7. To make a cutting line, select “CutContour” as the color for the paths that you would like to cut. To make
an object that will be printed using a spot color, just fill it using a Spot color from the Color List Palette.
QuarkXPress 4
1. Select Edit>Color and click Add from the Default Color dialog.
2. Execute File>Import and select the file ‘ColorCAMM PC-12 QuarkXPress’ , located in the
‘SpotColorLibray:ColorCAMM PC-12:QuarkXPress’ folder. (It is best to copy this file to your Hard Disk
before importing it.)
3. Click "Select All" to move all the items to Use Items and click OK.
4. Click Save to save the color palette.
5. Use the added color palette to create the new design.