C H A P T E R 2
Writingor drawinginapplicationswithSMARTInk
7 smarttech.com/kb/170578
Writing or drawing with SMARTInk
When you write or draw in digital ink over anopenapplicationor in your SMARTsoftware, the ink
becomes anobject that you can move and manipulate.
To write or draw with SMARTInk
Press .
SMARTInk tools appear.
2. Select a pen colorand aline thickness.
3. If you want to write or draw in calligraphic ink, select the Calligraphic Ink check box.
Without calligraphic ink With calligraphic ink
4. Write ordraw over an open file, folder or website.
Press , andthen select Select when you’re done.
If you don’t complete this step, your interactive product continues interpreting screen touches
as pen strokes