C H A P T E R 2
Writingor drawinginapplicationswithSMARTInk
12 smarttech.com/kb/170578
If you press another object, the selection border expands to includeit.
Press Convert to text on theborder.
A message appears asking youto touch whereyou want to insert this text, and the interpretation
of your notes appears.
3. Press the location in an applicationwhereyou want to insert the text.
Your ink notes copy to the application as text.
Turning off and turning on SMARTInk
When you start your computer andyour interactive product, SMARTInk is on by default forall open
windows. At any time, you canturn off or turn on SMARTInk for any window.
Many applications have theirown ink tools that you can use to write in the application’s content. If
you want to write in such anapplication’s content, you canturnoff SMARTInk and use the
applicationink tools instead.
Objects andnotes on the window disappear when you turn off SMARTInk and are restoredwhen
you turn on SMARTInk.
To turn off SMARTInk
Press .
SMARTInk tools appear.
2. Select Turn off SMARTInk.
To turn on SMARTInk
Press .
SMARTInk tools appear.
2. Select Turn on SMARTInk.
The SMARTInk toolbar becomes active.