i smarttech.com/kb/170578
Chapter 1: Welcome 1
About SMARTInk 1
About the other SMART software on your computer 2
Getting started with SMARTInk 3
Using SMARTInk after you disconnect yourinteractive product 3
Chapter 2: Writing or drawing in applications with SMARTInk 5
Accessing SMARTInk tools 6
Writing or drawing with SMARTInk 7
Highlighting content 8
Manipulating ink 8
Erasing andclearingink 9
Savingink 10
Converting handwriting to text 11
Turning off and turningon SMARTInk 12
Chapter 3: Writing or drawing on the desktop with SMARTInk Notes 13
Writing or drawing with SMARTInk Notes 13
Manipulating objects in SMARTInk Notes 14
SavingSMARTInk Notes 15
Deleting SMARTInk Notes 16
Chapter 4: Using SMARTInk with MicrosoftOffice 17
SwitchingbetweenMicrosoft’s ink tools andSMARTInk 18
Comparing Microsoft’s ink tools and SMARTInk 19
Using Microsoft’s ink tools 19
Using SMARTInk during PowerPoint presentations 21
Chapter 5: Using the SMARTInk DocumentViewer 25
Getting started with the SMARTInk DocumentViewer 25
Using the SMARTInk Document Viewer toolbar 26
Chapter 6: Changing SMARTInk settings 29
Changinggeneral settings 29
ChangingMicrosoft Office settings 31
Chapter 7: Troubleshooting SMARTInk 33
Using the Troubleshooting tab 33
Turning on Tablet PC components 34
Installing the SMARTInk plugin forMicrosoftOffice 35