Smart Technologies 2 Personal Computer User Manual

Chapter 4
Chapter 4: Using SMARTInk with
SwitchingbetweenMicrosoft’s ink tools andSMARTInk 18
Comparing Microsoft’s ink tools and SMARTInk 19
Using Microsoft’s ink tools 19
Using SMARTInk during PowerPoint presentations 21
Moving the toolbar and changing its appearance 21
Displaying slides 21
Sharing your presentation 22
Using the pointer 22
Accessing the PowerPoint menuand ink tools 23
Ending yourpresentation 23
Laterversions of Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint have their own ink tools. You can use these
ink tools to write or draw in the applications.
The following tablepresents which combinations of Windows® operatingsystem and Microsoft
Office support Microsoft’s ink tools:
Office 2013 Office 2010 Office 2007 Office 2003 or
Windows 8
Windows 7
Windows XP