TigerSwitch 100 Overview
SMC’s TigerSwitch™ 100 units are intelligent Fast Ethernet
switches. There are two TigerSwitch 100 models available. The
first, the TigerSwitch 100T (SMC6608T), features 8 fixed
10BASE-T/100BASE-TX ports. The predominance of dual-
speed, Auto-Negotiating ports on the SMC6608T make this unit
ideally suited for Fast Ethernet migration.
The ports on the other TigerSwitch 100 model, the TigerSwitch
100M (SMC6608M), are distributed among two slide-in,
removable modules. The modules are sold separately from the
base unit and feature various combinations of 10BASE-T/
100BASE-TX and 100BASE-FX ports. This modular design
allows for numerous variations in port configuration, making
this switch highly versatile and adaptable to any number of
different network applications.
The TigerSwitch 100 models employ a high-speed, non-
blocking switching fabric. This design allows for simultaneous
wire-speed transport of multiple packets at low latency on all
ports. They also feature full-duplex capability on all ports,
which effectively doubles the bandwidth of each connection.
These switches also provide for effective system management.
In addition to “at a glance” LEDs, the TigerSwitch 100 models
are equipped with system configuration software that can be
accessed out-of-band via an RS-232 console port or in-band via
Telnet. Also included is an on-board SNMP agent, which can
be used to manage the switch with SMC’s EliteView™ or any
other SNMP-based management application.
The TigerSwitch 100 units support an optional Redundant
Power Unit to minimize downtime in the event of an AC power