
SNMP Parameter Configuration
In order to access the SNMP agent resident in the TigerSwitch
100 units, the switch must be configured with a valid IP address,
default gateway and subnet mask. This is accomplished
through the System Configuration Program, which can be
accessed in-band or out-of-band (See Chapter 4, “Configuration
and Management”). Additional SNMP operating parameters
may also be configured through this program.
Assigning SNMP Agent Access Rights
1. Highlight “SNMP Configuration” in the System
Configuration Program Main Menu (See Chapter 4) and press
<ENTER>. This will access the SNMP Configuration screen
(See below).
Figure 5-1. SNMP Configuration Screen
2. Highlight “Send Authentication Traps” and press <ENTER>
to enable the SNMP agent to issue a trap message to
specified stations (Trap Receivers) in the event that it
receives a request containing an invalid community string.
To define valid community strings, proceed with Step 3.
Otherwise, skip to Step 5.
SNMP Configuration
Send Authentication Traps Yes
Community Strings....
Trap Receivers....
Use cursor keys to choose item. Press <ENTER> to confirm choice.
Press <CTRL><N> to return to the Main Menu.