Printing DOS applications in PostScript mode under
To print your DOS applications while running under Windows, please follow the steps
explained below.
1. Select and setup the Star WinType
PostScript driver by following steps 1-9
explained on pages 32 - 33.
2. Launch your DOS application by using
one of the following methods.
• DOS Prompt Method
1. Double-click on the MS-DOS prompt icon
from the Main Group in the Windows
Program Manager.
2. Begin the DOS application as normal ac-
cording to your application's user manual.
3. Follow the instructions for setting up
your default printer.
4. Select either PostScript® printer or Apple
LaserWriter Plus in your DOS application.
Refer to your DOS application's Users
Manual for details on selecting a printer.
5. Select the command to print.
• .PIF File Method
1. Double-click on your .PIF DOS applica-
tion icon. This icon was either created by
you or supplied to you by your applica-
tion program.
2. Follow steps 2-5 from the DOS prompt
method described above.
Note: When you are finished with your DOS application, you must type Exit
at the command line prompt (eg. C:>) to return to Windows.