Star Micronics 4000 Printer User Manual

To further aid you in the understanding of the printer and computer peripherals, we have
created this glossary of terms. Some of the terms listed in this glossary appear in this
User's Manual, while others are commonly used computer terminology.
This refers to a printer icon used when the
Printer Status Display is an active win-
dow. If Animate is selected, the Printer
Status Display will show paper feeding
into and out of the printer.
A program that you use to perform a spe-
cific task on your computer. These include
programs for word-processing or graphics
ATM fonts
An abbreviation for Adobe Type Manager.
This font system was developed by Adobe
The characteristics of a font. It includes
orientation, symbol set, spacing, pitch, point
size, style, stroke and typeface.
To make a copy of the original floppy dis-
kette or a file on the hard disk. Making a
backup of your disks or files ensures that
you won't lose data if the originals are lost
or damaged.
Binary digit. This is the smallest unit of
information that a computer can hold. The
value of a bit (which is either 1 or 0) repre-
sents a two-way choice (on or off, true or
false, black or white).
A set of bits that represent a graphic im-
Bitmapped character
A character in a font that's rendered as a
bitmap and drawn as a pixel pattern on the
screen. See also font and pixel.
Bitmapped font
A font in a single point size made up of
bitmapped characters. Some fonts stored
in the computer system are bitmapped fonts.
A "holding area" in the memory where in-
formation can be stored by one program or
device and then read by another. For ex-
ample, some printers have built-in memory
to store text that comes from the computer
faster than it can printed. This memory,
which frees the computer for other work
while the printer is printing is called a
printer buffer.
An image on your screen which resembles
a push-button. You can click to designate,
confirm or cancel an action.
A series of 8 bits that represent one charac-
Cancel button
A button that appears in most dialog boxes
which you can use to cancel any command
or option you may have chosen.
Central processing unit (CPU)
The brain of the computer. It is the micro-
processor which performs the actual com-
Centronics parallel port
A standard wiring configuration for paral-