Select graphics mode
Decimal Hexadecimal
<ESC> “*” n0 nl
21 42 n0 nl
1B 2A n0 nl
n2 ml m2
n2 ml m2
n2 ml m2 .
Selects one of seven graphics modes depending on the value of n0 and
prints bit-image graphics in this mode. See < ESC > “K” for information
on nl, n2, ml, m2, . .
n0 Graphics mode
0 Normal-density
1 Double-density
2 Double-density, double-speed
3 Quadruple-density
4 CRT graphics, mode I
5 Plotter graphics
6 CRT graphics, mode II
Convert graphics density
(60 dots per inch)
(120 dots per inch)
(240 dots per inch)
(80 dots per inch)
(72 dots per inch)
(90 dots per inch)
Both <ESC> .
m 21 63 n m
1B 3F n m
Converts graphics defined by subsequent < ESC > “K”, < ESC > “L”,
<ESC> “Y” or < ESC> “Z” commands to a density mode defined
by <ESC>
“*rr, n is “K”, “L”,
“Y” or “Z”, indicating the mode to be
converted. m is a code from < 0 > to < 6 > indicating one of the modes
of <ESC> “*“.
Print g-pin graphics
Decimal Hexadecimal
<ESC> I“” n0 nl
27 94 n0 nl
1B 5E n0 nl
n2 ml m2
n2 ml m2 n2 ml m2 ___
Prints bit-image graphics at 60 dots per inch if n0 = 0 or 120 dots per
inch if n0 = 1. The graphics image is 9 dots high and nl + n2 x 256 dots
wide. Maximum width is 8 inches. Dots beyond the right margin are
ignored. ml, m2, . . .
are byte pairs representing 9 vertical dots each. In
the leftmost position, the most significant bit of ml is the top dot; the
least significant bit of ml is the second dot from the bottom; the most
significant bit of m2 is the bottom dot; and the other bits of m2 are ignored.
Other byte pairs are similar. The number of data bytes must be 2 x (nl
+ n2 x 256). At the end of bit-image printing the printer returns auto-
matically to character mode.