Installing on Windows NT
Chapter 3 Installing iPlanet Web Server, FastTrack Edition on Windows NT 37
Click Next.
5. The Location of Installation dialog box appears. The default location for the
server files is
C:\Netscape\Server4, where C: is the letter of the drive on
which you are installing the server.
If you want to install iPlanet Web Server in a non-default location, use Browse
to navigate to the folder you want, or type the name in the field. If you choose a
folder that does not exist, the installation program asks if you want to create
the folder.
Click Next.
6. The Components to Install dialog box appears. Select iPlanet Web Server,
FastTrack Edition from the list. Note that because the Administration Server is
now an iPlanet Web Server instance, it is installed automatically when you
install iPlanet Web Server, and is not a choice on this product list.
Table 3-1 Express installation settings
Installation Setting Vales
administration port 8888
administration URL http://machine name:adminisration port
HTTP port number 80
document root server_root/doc
LDAP users and groups not using
JDK none
JRE default JRE shipped with iPlanet Web Server
subcomponents All default subcomponents installed
CAUTION Do not use Express Installation if you already have another web
server running on port 80.