178 Sun Fire V20z and Sun Fire V40z Servers, Server Management Guide • May, 2004
Return Codes
TABLE H-29 lists the return codes for this subcommand.
SP Set JNET Subcommand
Description: Sets or modifies the SP and platform network addresses for JNET.
Because of the firewall between these drivers, you must specify both addresses at the
same time.
Both the SP and Platform JNET addresses must be on the same Class C subnet.
Command format:
sp set jnet {-p | --platform} IP ADDRESS {-s | --sp} IP ADDRESS
TABLE H-29 Return Codes for Subcommand sp get jnet
Return Code ID Description
NWSE_Success 0 Command successfully completed.
NWSE_InvalidUsage 1 Invalid usage: bad parameter usage, conflicting
options specified.
NWSE_NoMemory 8 Insufficient memory.
NWSE_Busy 9 Device or resource is busy.
NWSE_HostDown 14 Host is down.