Removal and Installation Procedures
TDS 684A, TDS 744A, & TDS 784A Service Manual
c. Repeat procedure to remove the remaining cap as needed; push the
cap(s) back on to reinstall.
5. Remove the flip stand: Grasp the flip stand by both sides near where it joins
each flip stand foot. Now compress the flip stand until the flip stand ends
clear the flip stand feet to complete the removal.
6. Remove the flip stand foot (or feet):
a. Do Rear Cover and Cabinet procedure (page 6–18) to gain access to
inside of the cabinet.
b. Working from inside the cabinet, push the two retainers to release the
flip stand foot you wish to remove and lift it away from the outside of
the cabinet.
c. Repeat procedure to remove as many of the remaining feet as needed;
insert the two retainers back in their slots in the cabinet and snap into
place any flip stand foot removed.
7. Reinstallation: If any flip stand feet were removed, reinstall as directed in
step 6c; then see Rear Cover and Cabinet procedure (page 6–18) to reinstall
the rear cover and cabinet. Do in reverse order steps 3 and 5, reversing each
step, to reinstall the flip stand, then the handle caps (if removed), then the