Nominal Traits
TDS 684A, TDS 744A, & TDS 784A Service Manual
Table 1–4: Nominal Traits — Time Base System
Name Description
Range, Sample-Rate
TDS 684A; 5 Samples/sec to 5 GSamples/sec on four channels simultaneously
TDS 744A: 5 Samples/sec to 2 GSamples/sec when acquiring 1 channel
to 1 G Sample/sec when acquiring 2 channels,
or to 500 MSamples/sec when acquiring 3 or 4 channels
TDS 784A: 5 Samples/sec to 4 GSamples/sec when acquiring 1 channel
to 2 G Sample/sec when acquiring 2 channels,
or to 1 GSamples/sec when acquiring 3 or 4 channels
Range, Interpolated Waveform Rate
TDS 684A: 10 GSamples/sec to 250 GSamples/sec
TDS 744A: 1 GSamples/sec to 100 GSamples/sec
TDS 784A: 2 GSamples/sec to 250 GSamples/sec
Range, Seconds/Division TDS 684A: 0.2 ns/div to 10 s/div
TDS 744A: 0.5 ns/div to 10 s/div
TDS 784A: 0.2 ns/div to 10 s/div
Record Length Selection 500 samples, 1000 samples, 2500 samples 5000 samples, 15000 samples
The TDS 7XXA also offers: 50000 samples and, with its option 1M, 75000, 100000,
130000, 250000 (1 or 2 channels), or 500000 (1 channel) samples
The range of real-time rates, expressed in samples/second, at which a digitizer samples signals at its inputs and stores
the samples in memory to produce a record of time-sequential samples.
The range of waveform rates for interpolated (or equivalent-time on the TDS 7XXA) waveform records.
The Waveform Rate (WR) is the equivalent sample rate of a waveform record. For a waveform record acquired by
real-time sampling of a single acquisition, the waveform rate is the same as the real-time sample rate; for a waveform
created by interpolation of real-time samples from a single acquisition or, on applicable products, the equivalent-time
sampling of multiple acquisitions, the waveform rate created is faster than the real time sample rate. For all these cases,
the waveform rate is 1/(Waveform Interval) for the waveform record, where the waveform interval (WI) is the time between
the samples in the waveform record.
Table 1–5: Nominal Traits — Triggering System
Name Description
Range, Delayed Trigger Time Delay 16 ns to 250 s
Range, Events Delay TDS 684A; 2 to 10,000,000
TDS 7XXA: 1 to 10,000,000
Range (Time) for Pulse-Glitch,
Pulse-Width, Time-Qualified Runt
Triggering, or Slew Rate Trigger, Delta
1 ns to 1 s