Texas Instruments TI-84 Plus Calculator User Manual

28 Getting Started
Solving trigonometric functions
Example: Find the sine of an angle of 72¡.
If you are solving multiple problems using angles, be sure that mode is
set to Degree. If you are in Radian mode and do not wish to change the
mode, you can use y;Í (as you did in this example) to add
the degree symbol to the calculation and override the Radian mode
Adding Complex Numbers
Example: Add (3+5×) + (2-3×).
Note: The × character is the second function of Ë (the decimal key).
Using the equation solver
You can use the TI-84 Plus equation solver to solve for a variable in an
Press Result
7 2
y ; Í ¤
Press Result
3 Ã 5 y V ¤
à £ 2 ¹ 3 y V ¤