Memory and Variable Management 83
ClrAllLists sets the dimension of each list in RAM to 0.
To clear all elements from all lists, follow these steps.
1. Press y L to display the MEMORY menu.
2. Select
4:ClrAllLists to paste the instruction to the home screen.
3. Press Í to set the dimension of each list in memory to 0.
To cancel
ClrAllLists, press ‘.
ClrAllLists does not delete list names from memory, from the LIST
menu, or from the stat list editor.
Note: If you select 4:ClrAllLists from within a program, the ClrAllLists
instruction is pasted to the program editor. The lists are cleared when the
program is executed.
Archiving and UnArchiving Variables
Archiving and UnArchiving Variables
Archiving lets you store data, programs, or other variables to the user
data archive where they cannot be edited or deleted inadvertently.
Archiving also allows you to free up RAM for variables that may require
additional memory.
Archived variables cannot be edited or executed. They can only be seen
and unarchived. For example, if you archive list L1, you will see that L1
exists in memory but if you select it and paste the name L1 to the home
screen, you won’t be able to see its contents or edit it.
Note: Not all variables may be archived. Not all archived variables may
be unarchived. For example, system variables including r, t, x, y, and q
cannot be archived. Apps and Groups always exist in Flash ROM so there
is no need to archive them. Groups cannot be unarchived. However, you
can ungroup or delete them.
Variable Type Names
Real numbers
A, B, ... , Z yes yes
A, B, ... , Z yes yes
[A], [B], [C], ... , [J]
yes yes