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Then open a document in the browser and press b again. It
is important to realise that b will always provide access to
the features of the current environment. For example, within
the applicaon, this menu oers only the available
opons for that applicaon (as shown to the right).
There are a number of tools that are available for managing
documents when you choose the use the menu
by pressing the ~buon. Several opons are marked by
the symbol ¢ and pressing ¢ on the Touchpad opens their
Within any applicaon, this menu retains the same features but any opons that are currently
unavailable are greyed out.
The next tutorial describes creang a new document and using a rst TI-Nspire applicaon.
• Understanding, the terms document, problem, page, applicaon, and home screen
• Use of the / key and keyboard shortcuts
• The Home Screen
• Scratchpad
• Memory
• Baery Life
• The Document Browser to navigate around documents and folders
• The Page Sorter to navigate inside documents
• The use of e and d
• Why b produces dierent menus in dierent contexts
• The Document menu