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A simple funcon table
Graph and table side by side
The Funcon Table view is an
alternave for any Lists & Spreadsheet
page. You can toggle between the two
views using /T.
Opons for funcon tables
Because funcon tables are so useful, they can also be drawn
automacally. Follow through these steps.
• Create another page and press
b51 to switch to a funcon table. Noce the dierent
layout of the screen and a box with a list of the currently
dened funcons.
• Choose a funcon and scroll up and down.
• Press b5 again. These are the only opons that are
available now: apart from the ability to resize columns.
• Experiment with using opon .
• Now use opon . You
will see the values in the table change
and any associated funcon will also
have changed.
Having a funcon’s table on the same page as its graph can
clearly be a powerful learning tool and there is a very simple
way of arranging this on a split screen. On the relevant page
of your document choose opon A in the View menu or
press /T.
With a split screen of this nature it is as well to remove
all unnecessary cluer. Here the labels and unnecessary
funcons have been deleted. Also the vercal split between
graph and table was set using the opon from
the Documents/Page layout menu. (~51).
You can rene the split further by pressing the outer
edge of the touchpad to move the window separator
and then press ·.