© 2012 Texas Instruments Educaon Technology Page 39
Area is now locked
This brings up the which gives the opons
available for the opon displayed. To change the shading
select then or which will open a
colour picker from which you can choose a colour.
Now move the cursor to point B and right click again (/b).
This gives you the contextual menu for the point, one opon
here is to the point, which will prevent users from
grabbing and moving it. For example, there may be good
pedagogic reasons for only allowing point A to move in this
acvity. For the moment pin points B and C.
To unpin an object just right-click on the object again and
select .
Connue to move the cursor around the screen and see
the opons for changing the aributes of the parallel line
and also the area measurement. When you look at the
aributes for the area calculaon you will see the opon
of a padlock. Locking the measurement will x the current
value constraining movement of other points accordingly.
Locking some objects and unlocking others can have very interesng eects and if you have me you may care
to invesgate the following situaons.
a) The area measurement.
Points B and C and the parallel line through A.
Try Moving point B
b) The area measurement and the parallel line through A.
Points B and C.
Try Moving point B
Once again save your document as before going any further.