© 2012 Texas Instruments Educaon Technology Page 29
The Zoom sengs
The grabbed-sheet icon
Changing f2 in the funcon history
To hide a funcon’s graph click
on the Hide/Show buon ú
You have just used a direct method for changing the axes, but
there are a number of other ways to do this. Press b4 and
you will see this Window sub-menu. Opon 1 allows you to
enter numerical values to determine the extremes of the axes,
while the Zoom opons, as on the TI-83 and TI-84, provide
automac rescaling.
It is worth menoning one nal very useful
way of changing the posion of the axes,
but without rescaling them. Move the arrow
cursor to an empty part of the screen and
grab the vacant space. An appropriate icon
appears (ù) indicang that you are grabbing
the whole working area. Now you can use the
Touchpad to reposion the axes as you wish.
Reset the axes using the (default)
opon from the Window menu before connuing.
Suppose you wish to make f2(x)=x+8. As well as changing g(x)
in the Calculator applicaon on page 1.1, you can make the
change in two ways on this page.
• In the work area, move the pointer to the label,
f2(x)=g(x) and, instead of grabbing it, double-click on
the label and an editable box opens up. Change the
denion and press · to update it.
• Press ee· to highlight the funcon history area
and scroll up to edit f2.
Funcons may be deleted in similar ways, by simply deleng
their denion and pressing ·.