
© 2012 Texas Instruments Educaon Technology Page 41
Dierences from a spreadsheet?
Dening the list in column C
Lists can also be dened in the
Calculator applicaon
The Lists & Spreadsheet applicaon is a very powerful means of manipulang data lists and works seamlessly
with the other applicaons to provide mulple representaons of data. This tutorial introduces the applicaon,
showing how to use it as a simple spreadsheet. It also shows how the Lists & Spreadsheet applicaon handles
lists and funcons dened in the Calculator, and Graphs applicaons.
In the next Tutorial you will see how Lists & Spreadsheet is used in conjuncon with the Data & Stascs
applicaon to produce charts and stascal summaries.
Open a document and press c then select to add a
new page using the Lists & Spreadsheet applicaon.
Enter some data similar to that shown here:
column A represents male shoe sizes,
column B has widths of hand spans in cm (paired data
with column A),
column C is female shoe sizes.
You will need 20 or 30 pairs of similar data in columns A and B
and at least 15 values in column C.
Noce the similaries and dierences between this screen
and a tradional spreadsheet. In parcular noce the two
areas coloured white and grey at the top of each column.
The white area is for list names.
The grey area is for formulas that will apply to all items
in the list below.
Move to the white space beside A, type  and
press ·.
What you have just done is to dene a new list. If you were
to move to a Calculator screen, pressing h would reveal
 as one of the dened variables and lists,
and entering the name on that screen would produce the
result {11,8,7,12,9.5,…..}
Dene the data in columns B and C as lists  and .