118 Printing from Application on Mac OS X 10.2.4 to Mac OS X 10.5.x
- Lower Right (Portrait)/Lower Left (Landscape) — Select this to double staple on the lower right for a portrait
document, or on the lower left for a landscape document.
- Middle Top (Portrait)/Middle Right (Landscape) — Select this to double staple on the top for a portrait
document, or on the right for a landscape document.
- Middle Bottom (Portrait)/Middle Left (Landscape) — Select this to double staple on the bottom for a portrait
document, or on the left for a landscape document.
- Saddle Stitch (Portrait)/Saddle Stitch (Landscape) — Select this to double staple on the center for a booklet to
be printed. Select this only when booklet printing is performed.
y This option cannot be enabled if a finisher (optional) is not installed.
y [Saddle Stitch (Portrait)/Saddle Stitch (Landscape)] can be selected only when the Saddle Stitch Finisher
(optional) is installed.
Printing Modes
In the Printing Modes menu, you can set the way this equipment handles the print job. This menu allows you to enable
various job types such as Private Print and Proof Print.