
– 39 –
-- Guest Check --
P B + $0.00
Hamb. Steak $7.50T
Veget. Salad $2.20T
Coffee $2.50T
TAX1 $0.73
TAX2 $0.13
CASH $ 1 3 . 0 6
JONES 0021 13:48TM
-- Receipt Print Format --
[PB] (for a new order entry) menu item entries Sale Finalization by Media Keys
to transfer all the balance
Timing of a slip insertion into the Guest Check Printer
1) Before depressing the [PB] key
When selecting the option “Guest Check Print Compulsory for PB or Check Track entry”, the Guest
Check Printer begins printing after feeding the preprogrammed line Nos. by depressing the [PB]
key. The Guest Check Printer prints data every time one menu item is entered.
2) Between menu item entries and sale finalization ([TOTAL])
When selecting the option “Guest Check Print Compulsory for PB or Check Track entry”, the Guest
Check Printer begins printing after feeding the preprogrammed line Nos. by sale finalization
including the [TOTAL] key.
The Guest Check Printer prints all the data entered. If a guest check slip has not been inserted into
the Guest Check Printer, an error results when finalizing a sale or depressing the [TOTAL] key.
Timing of data output to the Remote Kitchen Printer
1) Data Buffering Type
The Remote Kitchen Printer prints all the data entered when depressing the [TOTAL] key, the
[TXBL TL] key or the media keys.
2) Send on the Fly Type
The Remote Kitchen Printer prints data every time one menu item is entered. However, if the
transmission to the Remote Kitchen Printer is interrupted due to abnormality of the Remote Kitchen
Printer during a menu item entry, the timing control of data output to the Remote Kitchen Printer is
changed to that of the data buffering type described above in one sales entry.
In the next sales entry, if the abnormality of the Remote Kitchen Printer has been removed, the
original control method regains.
NOTES: 1. Previous Balance Entry can be executed even when a slip has not been inserted into the
Guest Check Printer by a program option.
2. Previous Balance Entry can be canceled. To end the entry, follow the procedure de-
scribed below.
[PB] [ITEM CORR] [AT/TL] (or other media)
3. Previous Balance Entry is unavailable when the drive-through option or the check track
feature is selected.
P B +
Hamb. Steak $7.50T
Veget. Salad $2.20T
Coffee $2.50T
TAX1 $0.73
TAX2 $0.13
1 3 . 0 6
12-12-94 #111101 1CL0021 1130 13:48TM