User’s Guide 8-3
DocuMate 742 Index
connecting, 1-8
Device settings, 2-35
hardware, ii-vii
parts, ii-v
uninstall, 6-9
Scanner driver, 1-5
Scanning mode, 2-7, 2-8, 2-14, 3-3, 4-1
Screen Resolution, 2-23, 2-25
Searchable PDF (sPDF), 2-19
Select configuration, 2-6
Properties, 2-8
Select destination, 2-6, 2-20
Select format, 2-7
Serial number, 1-11
SharePoint, 1-14
Show all destinations, 2-20
Show Hardware, 2-34
Show Progress Window, 2-21
Simple Text, 2-19
Simplex, 2-33
Size, 2-9
Software, 1-5, 1-12
Software help, ii-vi, 1-4, 3-1
status light, 6-7
Sti event forwarding, 2-21
Still Image Client, 2-28
Storage and CD-R/W, 2-20
Storage Options tab, 2-13, 2-31
Straighten Image, 2-10
System requirements, ii-vi
technical support, 6-7
Text Documents Properties, 2-22
Text Editors, 2-20
Text file formats, 2-18
TIFF file format, 2-17
Transfer to Storage, 2-13, 2-30, 2-31
file formats, 2-19
access from One Touch, 3-2
Open from One Touch, 3-2
TWAIN interface, 2-15, 2-16, 2-17, 3-1, 3-2
TWAIN only installation, 1-7
TWAIN standard, 3-1
TXT file format, 2-6, 2-19, 2-26
uninstall, 6-9
Updates, 1-11
USB cable, 1-8
USB port, 1-8
Use enhanced folder browser, 2-21
User Guides, 1-13
VRS Settings Tab
One Touch Mini-Guide, 1-14
Watermark, 2-10, 3-4
Web site for help, 6-7
Advanced settings, 4-2
WIA interface, 2-15, 4-1
Windows Image Acquisition, 4-1
Word Document, 2-19
XLS file format, 2-19