1. Term definition
1. CC-Link (Control & Communication Link)
CC-Link is a registered trademark of CC-Link partner association.
2. SAFE mode setting
When the SAFE mode setting is enabled, service mode input is made valid so that
safety functions such as operating speed limits in MANUAL mode can be used.
The SAFE mode setting is determined at the time of shipping.
The SAFE mode setting is always enabled for controllers compatible with CE marking.
3. SERVICE mode
This mode is valid only when the SAFE mode setting is enabled, and can be con-
trolled by service mode input signals.
4. SAFETY connector
This connector is used to connect emergency stop input and service mode input.
Located on the front panel of the robot controller.
5. STD. DIO connector
This connector is used to receive or output dedicated I/O signals and general-
purpose I/O signals. Located on the front panel of the robot controller.
6. bit information
Bit data transmitted and received between master station PLC and controller.
7. Word information
Word data transmitted and received between master station PLC and controller.
8. Little endian
Method to substitute LSB in low-order address and refer to LSB when handling
word information data as double word data.
For example, when the value 00012345h is substituted in SOD (2), 2345h is sub-
stituted in SOW (2) of the first word, and 0001h is substituted in SOW (3) of the
second word.