Zebra Technologies LI 72 Printer User Manual

RW 420 User Guide
Extended LCD Functions
Function Default setting Scroll & Select Options
Sensor Type Bar • Bar
• Gap
Baud Rate 19200 • 9600
• 19200
• 32400
• 57600
• 115200
Data Bits 8 • 7
• 8
Parity N (none) • E (Even)
• N (None)
• O (Odd)
LCD Contrast 8 • Increase (15max.)
• Increase (15 max.)
No-activity Timeout
120 sec. • Decrease (0 min.)
• Increase (120 max.)
• ON (The 4 text lines
of display will be
Flip Screen OFF flipped 180 ° when the
printer is in the Cradle
Location of icons will
remain unchanged.
• 1 – Low
Audio Volume 3 • 2 – Medium
• 3 - High
Media Type Journal • Label
• Journal
LCD Backlight
Momentary On Momentary On w/
time delay
• Off
Factory Reset No • No
(Resets all to • Yes
factory set values)