Zebra Technologies LI 72 Printer User Manual

RW 420 User Guide
Communications Ports
Pin# Name Type Description
1 VBUS - USB Bus Power
2 USB - bi-directional I/O signals
3 USB + bi-directional I/O signals
4 USB_ID - Identifies A/B connector
5 Return - Ground
Pin# Name Type Description
1 NC no connect
2 NC no connect
3 RXD input Receive Data
4 TXD output Transmit Data
5 DTR output Data Terminal Ready
set high when printer is on.
6 GND Ground
7 DSR input Data Set Ready
low to high transition turns
printer on, high to low transi-
tion turns printer off (if en-
8 RTS output Request To Send
set high when printer is ready
to accept a command or data
9 CTS input Clear To Send from host
10 NC no connect