Prestige 623ME-T User’s Guide
25-2 Call Scheduling
To delete a schedule set, enter the set number and press [SPACE BAR] and then
[ENTER] (or delete) in the Edit Name field.
To setup a schedule set, select the schedule set you want to setup from menu 26 (1-12) and press [ENTER]
to see Menu 26.1 — Schedule Set Setup as shown next.
Figure 25-2 Menu 26.1 Schedule Set Setup
If a connection has been already established, your Prestige will not drop it. Once the connection is dropped
manually or it times out, then that remote node can't be triggered up until the end of the Duration.
Table 25-1 Menu 26.1 Schedule Set Setup
Press [SPACE BAR] to select Yes or No. Choose Yes and press
[ENTER] to activate the schedule set.
Start Date Enter the start date when you wish the set to take effect in year -
month-date format. Valid dates are from the present to 2036-
Menu 26.1 - Schedule Set Setup
Active= Yes
Start Date(yyyy-mm-dd) = 2000 – 01 - 01
How Often= Once
Date(yyyy-mm-dd)= 2000 – 01 - 01
Sunday= N/A
Monday= N/A
Tuesday= N/A
Wednesday= N/A
Thursday= N/A
Friday= N/A
Saturday= N/A
Start Time (hh:mm)= 00 : 00
Duration (hh:mm)= 00 : 00
Action= Forced On
Press ENTER to Confirm or ESC to Cancel:
Press Space Bar to Toggle