Prestige 623ME-T User’s Guide
2-2 Introducing the Web Configurator
The Prestige automatically times out after five minutes of inactivity. Simply log
back into the Prestige if this happens to you.
2.3 Navigating the Prestige Web Configurator
The following summarizes how to navigate the web configurator from the Site Map screen. Screens vary
slightly for different Prestige models.
Click Wizard Setup to begin a series of screens to configure your Prestige for the first time.
Click a link under Advanced Setup to configure advanced Prestige features.
Click a link under Maintenance to see Prestige performance statistics, upload firmware and back up,
restore or upload a configuration file.
Click SITE MAP to go to the Site Map screen.
Click Logout in the navigation panel when you have finished a Prestige management session.
Figure 2-2 Web Configurator SITE MAP Screen
Click the HELP icon (located in the top right corner of most screens) to view
embedded help.
Wizard Setup
Navigation panel