Chapter 18 Maintenance Screens
Media Server User’s Guide
Click Maintenance > Shutdown to open the following screen.
Figure 213 Maintenance > Shutdown
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
When you click the Restart button a pop-up screen will appear asking you to confirm. Click OK to
continue or Cancel to quit the restart.
Figure 214 Maintenance > Shutdown > Confirm Restart
When you click the Shutdown button a pop-up screen will appear asking you to confirm. Click OK
to continue or Cancel to quit the shutdown.
Figure 215 Maintenance > Shutdown > Confirm Shutdown
18.9 Technical Reference
This section provides technical background information on the topics discussed in this chapter.
18.9.1 Log Classes
The following table shows information on log classes.
Table 121 Maintenance > Shutdown
Restart Click this to have the device perform a software restart.
Shutdown Click this to shut down the system and restart it again later.
Table 122 Log Classes
Users This log class shows information on user access to the NSA.
Shares This log class shows information on shares being created or deleted.
Services This log class shows information on the operation of the NSA’s built-in services.
System This log class shows all other system related messages.