Chapter 9 Network
Media Server User’s Guide
Click Network > PPPoE in the navigation panel to open the following screen.
Figure 99 Network > PPPoE
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 35 Network > PPPoE
Status This field displays the status of PPPoE connection.
IP Address This field displays the IP address of your PPPoE connection.
IP Subnet Mask This field displays the IP subnet mask of your PPPoE connection.
Enable PPPoE
Select this option to establish a direct Internet connection for the NSA. You need to enter
the username and password as given by your ISP.
Username Enter the username exactly as your ISP assigned. If assigned a name in the form
user@domain where domain identifies a service name, then enter both components
exactly as given.
Password Enter the password associated with the username above.
Retype the password for confirmation.
Apply Click this to save your changes.
Reset Click this to restore previously saved settings.