Chapter 10 Applications
Media Server User’s Guide
Click Applications > Media Server to open the following screen. Use this screen to view the
media server’s status and rebuild the media server database.
Figure 102 Applications > Media Server > Media Server
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 37 Applications > Media Server > Media Server
Status This shows the media server’s current state of activity.
Synchronizing displays while the NSA is building the media database.
Ready means the NSA has finished building the database.
Stopped displays when the media server is dead and for a short time while the media
server is restarted before rebuilding the database.
Number of Music
This is how many music files the media server has to share out to media clients.
Number of Photos This is how many photo files the media server has to share out to media clients.
Number of Videos This is how many video files the media server has to share out to media clients.
Refresh Click this to update the information in the Status field.
Enable Media Server Select this to have the NSA share the media files in the shares selected in the Share
Publish tab. Clear it to stop the NSA from sharing media files through the Home
screens or media players.
Select Home Screen and DLNA/UPnP Media Players to let users use the NSA’s
Home screens and media players to play the published media files. Users can play the
published media files by logging into the NSA or by using a media player connected to
the network without logging in.
Select Home Screen Only to require users to use the NSA’s Home screens play the
published media files. This lets you require users to log in to play the published media