Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using ASDM
Chapter 53 Configuring the TLS Proxy for Encrypted Voice Inspection
CTL Provider
CTL Provider
Use the CTL Provider option to configure Certificate Trust List provider service.
The CTL Provider pane lets you define and configure Certificate Trust List provider service to enable
inspection of encrypted traffic.
• CTL Provider Name—Lists the CTL Provider name.
• Client Details—Lists the name and IP address of the client.
Interface Name—Lists the defined interface name.
IP Address—Lists the defined interface IP address.
• Certificate Name—Lists the certificate to be exported.
• Add—Adds a CTL Provider.
• Edit—Edits a CTL Provider.
• Delete—Deletes a CTL Provider.
The following table shows the modes in which this feature is available:
Add/Edit CTL Provider
The Add/Edit CTL Provider dialog box lets you define the parameters for the CTL Provider.
• CTL Provider Name—Specifies the CTL Provider name.
• Certificate to be Exported—Specifies the certificate to be exported to the client.
Certificate Name—Specifies the name of the certificate to be exported to the client.
Manage—Manages identity certificates.
• Client Details—Specifies the clients allowed to connect.
Client to be Added—Specifies the client interface and IP address to add to the client list.
Interface—Specifies client interface.
IP Address—Specifies the client IP address.
Add—Adds the new client to the client list.
Delete—Deletes the selected client from the client list.
• More Options—Specifies the available and active algorithms to be announced or matched during the
TLS handshake.
Firewall Mode Security Context
Routed Transparent Single
Context System