Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using ASDM
Chapter 69 General VPN Setup
Client Software
• Provide a URL or IP address from which to get the update.
• In the case of Windows clients, optionally notify users that they should update their VPN client
Note The Client Update function in Configuration > Remote Access VPN > Network (Client) Access >
Advanced > IPsec > Upload Software > Client Software applies only to the IPsec VPN client, (For
Windows, MAC OS X, and Linux), and the VPN 3002 hardware client. It does not apply to the Cisco
AnyConnect VPN clients, which is updated by the ASA automatically when it connects.
For the IPsec VPN client, you can provide a mechanism for users to accomplish that update. For VPN
3002 hardware client users, the update occurs automatically, with no notification. You can apply client
updates only to the IPsec remote-access tunnel-group type.
Note If you try to do a client update to an IPsec Site-to-Site IPsec connection or a Clientless VPN IPsec
connection, you do not receive an error message, but no update notification or client update goes to those
types of IPsec connections.
To enable client update globally for all clients of a particular client type, use this dialog box. You can
also notify all Windows, MAC OS X, and Linux clients that an upgrade is needed and initiate an upgrade
on all VPN 3002 hardware clients from this dialog box. To configure the client revisions to which the
update applies and the URL or IP address from which to download the update, click Edit.
To configure client update revisions and software update sources for a specific tunnel group, choose
Configuration > Remote Access VPN > Network (Client) Access > IPsec > Add/Edit > Advanced >
IPsec > Client Software Update.
• Enable Client Update—Enables or disables client update, both globally and for specific tunnel
groups. You must enable client update before you can send a client update notification to Windows,
MAC OS X, and Linux VPN clients, or initiate an automatic update to hardware clients.
• Client Type—Lists the clients to upgrade: software or hardware, and for Windows software clients,
all Windows or a subset. If you click All Windows Based, do not specify Windows 95, 98 or ME and
Windows NT, 2000 or XP individually. The hardware client gets updated with a release of the ASA
5505 software or of the VPN 3002 hardware client.
• VPN Client Revisions—Contains a comma-separated list of software image revisions appropriate
for this client. If the user client revision number matches one of the specified revision numbers, there
is no need to update the client, and, for Windows-based clients, the user does not receive an update
notification. The following caveats apply:
The revision list must include the software version for this update.
Your entries must match exactly those on the URL for the VPN client, or the TFTP server for
the hardware client.
The TFTP server for distributing the hardware client image must be a robust TFTP server.
A VPN client user must download an appropriate software version from the listed URL.
The VPN 3002 hardware client software is automatically updated via TFTP, with no notification
to the user.