
Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using ASDM
Chapter 76 Configuring Logging
Configuring Logging
Step 6 Click OK to close this dialog box.
Step 7 To continue, see the “Configuring the Remote SMTP Server” section on page 76-13.
Adding or Editing E-Mail Recipients
To add or edit e-mail recipients and severity levels, perform the following steps:
Step 1 Choose Configuration > Device Management > Logging > E-mail Setup.
Step 2 Click Add or Edit to display the Add/Edit E-Mail Recipient dialog box.
Step 3 Enter the destination e-mail address, and choose the syslog severity level from the drop-down list.
Severity levels are defined as follows:
Emergency (level 0, system is unusable)
Note Using a severity level of zero is not recommended.
Alert (level 1, immediate action is needed)
Critical (level 2, critical conditions)
Error (level 3, error conditions)
Warning (level 4, warning conditions)
Notification (level 5, normal but significant conditions)
Informational (level 6, informational messages only)
Debugging (level 7, debugging messages only)
Note The severity level used to filter messages for the destination e-mail address is the higher of the
severity level specified in the Add/Edit E-Mail Recipient dialog box and the global filter set for
all e-mail recipients in the Logging Filters pane.
Step 4 Click OK to close this dialog box.
The added or revised entry appears in the E-mail Recipients pane.
Step 5 Click Apply to save your changes to the running configuration.
Configuring the Remote SMTP Server
To configure the remote SMTP server to which e-mail alerts and notifications are sent in response to
specific events, perform the following steps:
Step 1 Choose Configuration > Device Setup > Logging > SMTP.
Step 2 Enter the IP address of the primary SMTP server.