Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using ASDM
Chapter 69 General VPN Setup
Configuring AnyConnect VPN Connections
• Use the entire DN as the username—Uses the entire subject DN (RFC1779) to derive a name for an
authorization query from a digital certificate.
• Use script to select username—Names the script from which to extract a username from a digital
certificate. The default is --None--.
Add or Edit—Opens the Add or Edit Script Content dialog box, in which you can define a script
to use in mapping the username from the certificate.
Delete—Deletes the selected script. There is no confirmation or undo.
The following table shows the modes in which this feature is available:
Configuring Authorization Attributes for an SSL VPN Connection Profile
The Authorization dialog box lets you view, add, edit, or delete interface-specific authorization server
groups. Each row of the table on this dialog box shows the status of one interface-specific server group:
the interface name, its associated server group, and whether fallback to the local database is enabled if
the selected server group fails.
• Authorization Server Group—Specifies an authorization server group from which to draw
authorization parameters.
Server Group—Selects an authorization server group to use. The default is none.
Manage—Opens the Configure AAA Server Groups dialog box.
Users must exist in the authorization database to connect—Select this check box to require that
users meet this criterion.
• Interface-specific Authorization Server Groups—Manages the assignment of authorization server
groups to specific interfaces.
Add or Edit—Opens the Assign Authentication Server Group to Interface dialog box, in which
you can specify the interface and server group, and specify whether to allow fallback to the
LOCAL database if the selected server group fails. The Manage button on this dialog box opens
the Configure AAA Server Groups dialog box. Your selections appear in the Interface/Server
Group table.
Delete—Removes the selected server group from the table. There is no confirmation or undo.
UID User Identifier.
UPN User Principal Name.
Attribute Definition
Firewall Mode Security Context
Routed Transparent Single
Context System
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