Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using ASDM
Chapter 72 Configuring Clientless SSL VPN
Configuring Application Helper
• To uploads the securedesktop_asa_<n>_<n>*.pkg file from your local computer to the flash device,
click Upload File. A Status window appears and remains open for the duration of the file transfer.
Following the transfer, an Information window displays the message, “File is uploaded to flash
successfully.” Click OK. The Upload Image dialog box removes the contents of the Local File Path
and Flash File System Path fields.
• To close the Upload Image dialog box, click Close. Click this button after you upload the Cisco
Secure Desktop image to the flash device or if you decide not to upload it. If you uploaded it, the
filename appears in the Secure Desktop Image field of the Cisco Secure Desktop Setup window.
If you did not upload it, a Close Message dialog box prompts, “Are you sure you want to close the
dialog without uploading the file?” Click OK if you do not want to upload the file. The Close
Message and Upload Image dialog boxes close, revealing the Cisco Secure Desktop Setup pane.
Otherwise, click Cancel in the Close Message dialog box. The dialog box closes, revealing the
Upload Image dialog box again, with the values in the fields intact. Click Upload File.
Step 1 Specify the path to the securedesktop_asa_<n>_<n>*.pkg file on your local computer. Click Browse
Local to automatically insert the path in this field, or enter the path. For example:
D:\Documents and Settings\Windows_user_name.AMER\My Documents\My
ASDM inserts the file path into the Local File Path field.
Step 2 Specify the destination path on the flash device of the ASA and the name of the destination file. Click
Browse Flash to automatically insert the path into this field, or enter the path. For example:
The file name of the Cisco Secure Desktop image that you selected on your local computer is displayed
in the Browse Flash dialog box. We recommend that you use this name to prevent confusion. Confirm
that this field displays the same name of the local file you selected and click OK. The Browse Flash
dialog box closes. ASDM inserts the destination file path into the Flash File System Path field.
Configuring Application Helper
Clientless SSL VPN includes an Application Profile Customization Framework option that lets the ASA
handle non-standard applications and web resources so they display correctly over a clientless SSL VPN
connection. An APCF profile contains a script that specifies when (pre, post), where (header, body,
request, response), and what data to transform for a particular application. The script is in XML and uses
sed (stream editor) syntax to transform strings/text.
You can configure multiple APCF profiles on an ASA to run in parallel. Within an APCF profile script,
multiple APCF rules can apply. In this case, the ASA processes the oldest rule first, based on
configuration history, the next oldest rule next, and so forth.
You can store APCF profiles on the ASA flash memory or on an HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, or TFTP server.
Use this pane to add, edit, and delete APCF packages, and to put them in priority order.
Detailed Steps
Step 1 Information about the location of the APCF package is displayed. The locations include the ASA flash
memory or an HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, or TFTP server.
Step 2 (Optional) Click Add/Edit to create a new APCF profile or change an existing one.