Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using ASDM
Chapter 62 Configuring the ASA IPS Module
Troubleshooting the ASA IPS module
Uninstalling a Software Module Image
To uninstall a software module image and associated configuration, perform the following steps.
Detailed Steps
Resetting the Password
You can reset the module password to the default. The default password is cisco. After resetting the
password, you should change it to a unique value using the module application.
Resetting the module password causes the module to reboot. Services are not available while the module
is rebooting.
If you cannot connect to ASDM with the new password, restart ASDM and try to log in again. If you
defined a new password and still have an existing password in ASDM that is different from the new
password, clear the password cache by choosing File > Clear ASDM Password Cache, then restart
ASDM and try to log in again.
To reset the module password to the default of cisco, perform the following steps.
Detailed Steps
Step 1 From the ASDM menu bar, choose Tools > module Password Reset.
The Password Reset confirmation dialog box appears.
Step 2 Click OK to reset the password to the default.
A dialog box displays the success or failure of the password reset.
Step 3 Click Close to close the dialog box.
Command Purpose
sw-module module ips uninstall
hostname# sw-module module ips uninstall
Module ips will be uninstalled. This will
completely remove the
disk image associated with the sw-module including
any configuration
that existed within it.
Uninstall module <id>? [confirm]
Permanently uninstalls the software module image and associated