Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using ASDM
Chapter 69 General VPN Setup
Configuring AnyConnect Host Scan
System Requirements
The posture module can be installed on any of these platforms:
• Windows XP (x86 and x86 running on x64)
• Windows Vista (x86 and x86 running on x64)
• Windows 7 (x86 and x86 running on x64)
• Mac OS X 10.5,10.6 (32-bit and 32-bit running on 64-bit)
• Linux (32-bit and 32-bit running on 64-bit)
• Windows Mobile
These are the AnyConnect licensing requirements for the posture module:
• AnyConnect Premium for basic Host Scan.
• Advanced Endpoint Assessment license is required for
Mobile Device Management
Entering an Activation Key to Support Advanced Endpoint Assessment
Advanced Endpoint Assessment includes all of the Endpoint Assessment features and lets you configure
an attempt to update noncompliant computers to meet version requirements. You can use ASDM to
activate a key to support Advanced Endpoint Assessment after acquiring it from Cisco, as follows:
Step 1 Choose Configuration > Device Management > Licensing > Activation Key.
Step 2 Enter the key in the New Activation Key field.
Step 3 Click Update Activation Key.
Step 4 Choose File > Save Running Configuration to Flash.
An Advanced Endpoint Assessment entry appears and the Configure button becomes active in the Host
Scan Extensions area of the Configuration > Remote Access VPN > Secure Desktop Manager > Host
Scan pane, which is accessible only if CSD is enabled.
Host Scan Packaging
You can load the Host Scan package on to the ASA in one of these ways:
• You can upload it as a standalone package: hostscan-version.pkg
• You can upload it by uploading an AnyConnect Secure Mobility package:
• You can upload it by uploading a Cisco Secure Desktop package: csd_version-k9.pkg