Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using ASDM
Chapter 30 Configuring EIGRP
Configuring EIGRP
Enabling EIGRP Stub Routing
You can enable, and configure the ASA as an EIGRP stub router. Stub routing decreases memory and
processing requirements on the ASA. As a stub router, the ASA does not need to maintain a complete
EIGRP routing table because it forwards all nonlocal traffic to a distribution router. Generally, the
distribution router need not send anything more than a default route to the stub router.
Only specified routes are propagated from the stub router to the distribution router. As a stub router, the
ASA responds to all queries for summaries, connected routes, redistributed static routes, external routes,
and internal routes with the message “inaccessible.” When the ASA is configured as a stub, it sends a
special peer information packet to all neighboring routers to report its status as a stub router. Any
neighbor that receives a packet informing it of the stub status will not query the stub router for any
routes, and a router that has a stub peer will not query that peer. The stub router depends on the
distribution router to send the correct updates to all peers.
To enable the ASA as an EIGRP stub routing process, perform the following steps:
Step 1 In the main ASDM window, choose Configuration > Device Setup > Routing > EIGRP > Setup.
The EIGRP Setup pane appears.
Step 2 Check the Enable EIGRP routing check box.
Step 3 In the EIGRP Process field, enter the autonomous system (AS) number for the EIGRP process. The AS
number can be from 1 to 65535.
Step 4 Click Advanced to configure the EIGRP stub routing process.
The Edit EIGRP Process Advanced Properties dialog box appears.
Step 5 In the Stub area on the Edit EIGRP Process Advanced Properties dialog box, choose one or more of the
following EIGRP stub routing processes:
• Stub Receive only—Configures the EIGRP stub routing process to receive route information from
the neighbor routers but does not send route information to the neighbors. If this option is selected,
you cannot select any of the other stub routing options.
• Stub Connected—Advertises connected routes.
• Stub Static—Advertises static routes.
• Stub Redistributed—Advertises redistributed routes.
• Stub Summary—Advertises summary routes.
Step 6 Click OK.
Step 7 Click the Networks tab.
Step 8 Click Add to add a new network entry.
The Add EIGRP Network dialog box appears. To remove a network entry, choose the entry in the table
and click Delete.
Step 9 Choose the AS number of the EIGRP routing process from the drop-down list.
Step 10 Enter the IP address of the networks to participate in the EIGRP routing process in the IP Address field.
Note To change a network entry, you must first remove the entry and then add a new one. You cannot
edit existing entries.
Step 11 Enter a network mask to apply to the IP address in the Network Mask field.