Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using ASDM
Chapter 16 Completing Interface Configuration (TransparentMode, 8.3 and Earlier)
Setting the Management IP Address for a Transparent Firewall (8.3 and Earlier)
Step 3 Click Apply.
Configuring the Link-Local Address on an Interface Manually
If you only need to configure a link-local address and are not going to assign any other IPv6 addresses,
you have the option of manually defining the link-local address.
Detailed Steps
Step 1 Choose the Configuration > Device Setup > Interfaces pane.
Step 2 Select an interface, and click Edit.
The Edit Interface dialog box appears with the General tab selected.
Step 3 Click the IPv6 tab.
Step 4 (Optional) To enforce the use of Modified EUI-64 format interface identifiers in IPv6 addresses on a
local link, check the Enforce EUI-64 check box.
If the interface identifiers do not conform to the modified EUI-64 format, an error message appears. See
the “Modified EUI-64 Interface IDs” section on page 16-6 for more information.
Step 5 To set the link-local address, enter an address in the Link-local address field.
A link-local address should start with FE8, FE9, FEA, or FEB, for example fe80::20d:88ff:feee:6a82.
See the “IPv6 Addresses” section on page A-5 for more information about IPv6 addressing.
Step 6 Click OK.
Configuring DAD Settings
DAD verifies the uniqueness of new unicast IPv6 addresses before they are assigned and ensures that
duplicate IPv6 addresses are detected in the network on a link basis.
For information about the Enable IPv6 parameter, see the “Configuring the Link-Local Addresses
Automatically” section on page 16-7.
Detailed Steps
Step 1 Go to Configuration > Device Management > Management Access > Management IP Address.
Step 2 In the IPv6 configuration area, in the DAD attempts field, enter the number of allowed DAD attempts.
This setting configures the number of consecutive neighbor solicitation messages that are sent on an
interface while DAD is performed on IPv6 addresses. Valid values are from 0 to 600. A zero value
disables DAD processing on the specified interface. The default is one message.
Step 3 In the NS Interval field, enter the neighbor solicitation message interval.
The neighbor solicitation message requests the link-layer address of a target node. Valid values are from
1000 to 3600000 milliseconds. The default is 1000 milliseconds.
Step 4 In the Reachable Time field, enter the amount of time in seconds that a remote IPv6 node is considered
reachable after a leachability confirmation event has occurred.