Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using ASDM
Chapter 72 Configuring Clientless SSL VPN
Customizing the AnyConnect Client
Step 1 Select a template to modify and use as a basis for a new translation table. The templates are organized
into translation domains and affect certain areas of functionality. The following table shows the
translation domains and the functional areas affected:
Step 2 Specify a language. Use an abbreviation that is compatible with the language options of your browser.
The ASA creates the new translation table with this name.
Step 3 Use the editor to change the message translations. The message ID field (msgid) contains the default
translation. The message string field (msgstr) that follows msgid provides the translation. To create a
translation, enter the translated text between the quotes of the msgstr string. For example, to translate
the message “Connected” with a Spanish translation, insert the Spanish text between the msgstr quotes:
msgid "Connected"
msgstr "Conectado"
After making changes, click Apply to import the translation table.
Customizing the AnyConnect Client
You can customize the AnyConnect VPN client to display your own corporate image to remote users,
including clients running on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X computers.
You can use one of three methods to customize the client:
Rebrand the client by importing individual client GUI components, such as the corporate logo
and icons, to the ASA which deploys them to remote computers with the installer.
Import your own program (Windows and Linux only) that provides its own GUI or CLI and uses
the AnyConnect API.
Import a transform (Windows only) that you create for more extensive rebranding. The ASA
deploys it with installer.
Translation Domain Functional Areas Translated
AnyConnect Messages displayed on the user interface of the Cisco AnyConnect VPN client.
CSD Messages for the Cisco Secure Desktop (CSD).
customization Messages on the logon and logout pages, portal page, and all the messages
customizable by the user.
keepout Message displayed to remote users when VPN access is denied.
PortForwarder Messages displayed to Port Forwarding users.
url-list Text that user specifies for URL bookmarks on the portal page.
webvpn All the layer 7, AAA and portal messages that are not customizable.
plugin-ica Messages for the Citrix plug-in.
plugin-rdp Messages for the Remote Desktop Protocol plug-in.
plugin-telnet,ssh Messages for the Telnet and SSH plug-in.
plugin-vnc Messages for the VNC plug-in.