secure site, all information being sent and received by the computer will be
AssureBuy's IntegriCharge® is an outsourced solution for Internet
transaction and payment processing, fulfillment, reporting and customer
relationship management.
A computer and communications network that allows all the computers in the
world talk to each other.
An invoice is a bill submitted to the buyer by the seller for payment of
services rendered.
invoice hold
An invoice hold is used exclusively inside the Invoices module of the Great
Plains software and can be placed on any invoice that should be prevented
from processing or posting. The AssureBuy Payment Processing application
usually adds invoice holds when a credit card transaction is declined.
issuing bank
The financial institution which holds the contractual agreements with and
issues cards to cardholders. The issuing bank is a licensed member of the
Visa/MasterCard association.
The Japanese Credit Bureau that issues the JCB card.
Linked Transactions
A linked transaction is a transaction that is connected, or linked, to another,
previously processed, transaction. Examples of linked transactions are an
authorization and capture, where the capture transaction is linked to the
original authorization. Other types of linked transactions include a void or
refund that might be linked to an original sale transaction.
merchant account
A merchant account gives the seller the right to accept credit card
transactions and is issued by a credit card acquiring bank. The merchant
account is not a bank account and never actually holds funds. Money from
credit card transactions is normally deposited directly into the seller’s
business bank account by the acquiring bank.
AssureBuy Payment Processing Microsoft Great Plains Dynamics/eEnterprise Glossary of Terms • 121