Step 6
The final step is to exit the installation program by selecting the Finish button
at the bottom of the window. The ReadMe file will automatically open once
the installation program is closed. The ReadMe file contains instructions for
setting up a test system and other important information. By deselecting the
check box next to View ReadMe File, the ReadMe file will not launch.
Figure 9: Installation Step 6
Step 7
When the AssureBuy installation is complete start the Dynamics/eEnterprise
application. If the installation was completed successfully, you will see a
message that reads “New code must be included in the Dynamics.set
dictionary. Do you wish to include new code now?”
Figure 10: Install New Code Message
Select Yes and the AssureBuy Payment Processing application will be
An automatic uninstall application is not supplied with the AssureBuy
Payment Processing application. The application can be uninstalled
manually by using the following uninstall instructions.
AssureBuy Payment Processing Microsoft Great Plains Dynamics/eEnterprise Installation and Setup • 37