XP The buyer has placed multiple
transactions from the same IP address
in a given period of time.
Enter a buyer’s IP
address to allow
their transaction to
XR XR is similar to the functionality of the
XP watch code above, except that this
test looks for too many transactions
placed from a specified IP address
range instead of a single IP address.
The IP range must contain the
numbers up to the class C.
Enter a buyer’s IP
range up to the
Class C to allow
their transaction to
Custom Third Party Watch Codes
Custom third party watch codes will depend greatly on what information the
third party will need to perform their validations. For this reason, the third
party watch codes are grouped by themselves. Each of the services will
come with their own unique settings.
AU The Authentify service is provided by Authentify Inc.
Authentify verifies the buyer by placing a phone call to the
phone number entered on the buyer’s transaction. This
service helps to eliminate a little of the anonymity of buyers by
forcing them to enter a phone number directly connected to
them. The Authentify service performs two functions, as a
watch code and watch action. The watch code function of
Authentify controls whether the service is on or off and also
controls result of the Authentify watch action. The Authentify
watch action is available on all of the seller’s watch codes so
that if a transaction fails a designated watch code, the system
will initiate the Authentify service that will call the buyer.
Based on the Authentify service’s response, the system will
take the watch action determined on the Authentify watch
code and process, decline or place the transaction on hold.
AV Invalid response from a third-party Address Verification
Service (AVS). This address verification is on a higher level
and is provided by a third party.
DL The shipping address specified for this transaction has been
listed as a "high risk" delivery address by the United States
Postal Service. High-risk delivery addresses usually include
post office boxes and abandoned buildings. This watch code
is a level three watch code so the information provided by the
United State Postal Service might require additional fees.
IT The IP address used to place the current transaction
originates from a country that does not match the country
entered for the billing address.
Watch Actions
Watch actions allow each watch code to have its own predetermined action.
Some watch codes are more serious indicators of fraud than others. For
example, the watch code that tests for no capital letters in a buyer’s name
can sometimes indicate fraud, but it could also just signify a buyer who is
rushing through the transaction entry process and does not use capital
AssureBuy Payment Processing Microsoft Great Plains Dynamics/eEnterprise Introduction to AssureBuy • 23