Figure 13: AssureBuy Processing Setup
The top two fields of the setup window are uneditable fields that identify the
company within the Great Plains software. Each company within the Great
Plains Dynamics/eEnterprise system can have its own setup options within
the AssureBuy Payment Processing application and can use either the same
or a different AssureBuy account. However, an AssureBuy account can only
be linked to one merchant account. If each company has their own merchant
account then multiple AssureBuy accounts will also be needed.
Field Name Description
Company Name The company name field displays the name of the
company currently logged into by the user. This
field is determined by the Great Plains software
and is not editable.
Company ID The company ID field displays the Great Plains
company ID. This field is not editable.
Warning! Use only the
User ID and Password
settings supplied by
AssureBuy. DO NOT
under any circumstances
give these settings to any
other entity.
The next group of fields consists of the controls for the AssureBuy payment
gateway. These fields need to be in sync with the payment gateway setup at
ssureBuy. Please be sure to contact AssureBuy with any questions relating
to the setup. This information is specially keyed to the seller’s merchant
account. Sharing of this information will only result in problems with the seller
merchant account provider as any transactions sent to the gateway with the
seller’s user ID and password will be charged against the seller’s merchant
Field Name Description
AssureBuy Payment Processing Microsoft Great Plains Dynamics/eEnterprise Installation and Setup • 40