Field Name Description
The Authorization expiration designates how many
days an authorization is still considered good by the
bank for the specified credit card type. The
standard number of days is usually 7 days but it can
vary by card type. This field will be important in the
cases where a credit card is authorized but the
transaction is not captured until the item has
shipped. If the authorization has expired, then the
system will force a new authorization before a
capture is allowed.
Record Notes
When selecting the Record Notes Icon, a note will
be added to the current credit card type.
Window Notes
When selecting the Window Notes Icon, a note will
be added to the AssureBuy Credit Card Setup
Help Icon When selecting the Help Icon, the help system will
be launched.
Save By selecting save, all changes currently displayed
on the window will be saved.
Clear By selecting clear, the current values displayed in
the fields will be cleared. However, it will only clear
the display window fields and prepare it for a new
record. This button does not perform a delete.
Delete By selecting delete, the current record displayed will
be deleted. This deletion includes any notes
attached to the record. When deleting credit card
types from the AssureBuy Credit Card Setup
window, the user will be prompted to delete the
corresponding record from the Great Plains Credit
Card Master file as well.
The four arrows at the bottom left side of the screen
are called record selectors. These record selectors
are used to scroll through each of the credit card
types currently on file for the company. If any
changes are made on the currently displayed record
and one of the record selectors is selected, then the
user will be prompted to save the currently
displayed changes before the new record is
AssureBuy Payment Processing Microsoft Great Plains Dynamics/eEnterprise Installation and Setup • 51