Authorization An authorization transaction contacts the cardholder’s
bank to verify that the cardholder has enough funds
available to cover the transaction. An authorization
will not transfer money from the cardholder’s account
until a Capture transaction is performed. The number
of days an authorization remains valid is determined
by the cardholder’s bank.
Capture A capture transaction is performed only on an existing
approved authorization transaction. The capture will
complete the authorization transaction and instruct
the cardholder’s bank to release the funds to the
seller once a settlement has occurred.
Sale A sale transaction is a combination authorization and
capture in one transaction. The cardholder’s bank is
asked to verify the cardholder has sufficient funds to
cover the transaction and then the bank is instructed
to release the funds once a settlement has occurred.
Refund A refund, or credit, transaction is used to return
money to a cardholder’s account. In order to use this
type of transaction, a sale or capture transaction must
have been previously performed. Do not use this
type of transaction after only performing an
authorization transaction.
Manual Sale A manual sale or a force transaction allows a
transaction to be entered after an authorization has
been obtained from a voice authorization process. A
voice authorization is provided when calling a
processing center in response to decline transaction
where the cardholder’s bank replied with a message
indicating the transaction requires a voice approval.
Void The void transaction is used to cancel a sale, capture
or refund transaction which has not yet been settled.
Typically, a void transaction is only used to undo a
transaction during the same day, before a settlement
takes place. Issuing a void on a settled transaction
will result in an error from the AssureBuy payment
Attaching Transactions to Great Plains Documents
Depending on the document type, the AssureBuy Payment Processing
application only allows transactions that are appropriate for the specified
Great Plains document. This feature acts as a safeguard against a user
accidentally entering the wrong type of transaction for a document. For
example, sales returns only allow credit transactions, not sales of
authorizations. The table below shows the available transactions for each
Great Plains document type.
AssureBuy Payment Processing Microsoft Great Plains Dynamics/eEnterprise AssureBuy Functionality • 54